Treatment Suggestions for the Failure Schema
1.Make a list of your skills. Following this, create a list of accomplishments that came from those skills. Use the knowledge of your accomplishments as rational evidence for your inherent abilities.
2. Set realistic long-term and short-term goals, follow through with these goals and to notice your accomplishments. Guard yourself from feeling overwhelmed and then risking possible failure by decreasing unrealistically high goal expectations.
3. Keep from getting angry at or disappointed with others for not recognizing and/or accepting your strengths and limitations.
4. Watch and end behaviors that surrender to, avoid, or overcompensate for this schema. Be adaptive and problem solve for your greatest reasonable success with each challenge to this schema.
5. Consider if your self-concept is a result of perpetuating the idea that you are a failure. If this is the case, then recognize that the failed behavior is not due to a lack in ability but can be attributed to your false perception that you are a failure.