Treatment Suggestions for the Unrelenting Standards Schema

Treatment Suggestions for the Unrelenting Standards Schema

1.List the areas in which your standards may be unbalanced or unrelenting.

2.View performance on a long spectrum from “poor to perfect” with many gradations in between. Do this instead of using “all-or-nothing” thinking. With each task, actively choose where you want to fall on this spectrum.

3. Do a “cost-benefit analysis” of the unrelenting standards schema. Ask yourself “If I were to do things a little less well, what would be the costs and benefits of this change?” List the results.

4. List the advantages and disadvantages of the unrelenting standards schema. Consider the benefits to your health and happiness if you lowered your standards. Also, list the disadvantages of the unrelenting standards schema and how it is damaging your enjoyment of life and relationship with others.

5. Recognize that imperfection is not a crime and making mistakes may not have the negative consequences you anticipate.

6. Attempt to do less and do tasks less well. Notice that setting lower standards and intentionally doing tasks imperfectly allows you to interact with friends and family for the sake of enjoyment or to enhance the quality of relationships.

7. Notice how these suggested activities and changes impact how you feel.

8. Allow yourself to not feel guilty when you do not try as hard as usual. Recognize that it is acceptable to permit some imperfection.

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